Freaky Born Wings and I met up for an optimistic trip to Rockaway this past Wednesday. The report was calling for 2+3 feet with poor to fair conditions. That is a remarkable improvement over FLAT!

I wish I had pics from our session. Our optimism and patents payed off. Freaky Born got the wave of the morning. Dropping in early on a nice three footer and trimming out all the way in to the amazement of the surfers that just got out of the water. As I was watching Freaky Born trim out I caught a glimpse of the dropping jaws of our land bound friends. The ocean was being a bit of a prankster that day. Swells would start to jack up only to disappear into dribble. We did have a moment, it lasted about twenty minutes where things seemed to line up. The waves were slightly bigger and breaking a little nicer. I managed to get a couple of solid rides in on the Finline MP. Freaky Born was getting wave after wave on an old Plastic Fantastic longboard. I gave it a shot but anything over seven feet is hard for me at this point. I plan to work on that. Having a longboard is a must if you call the east coast home.

Afterwards there was a Q&A with Mikey, he is on the right.
After our session I drove back to 90th while Freaky Born biked with his surf rack enabled beach bike. It's super rad!

The Plastic Fantastic!
That night we met up and went to the New York premeir of Sigh|Sound directed by Mikey DeTemple. I’ve been waiting for this film to come to a big screen in NYC for some time and glad I waited to watch it in a theater for the first time. It’s a stunning film with a great sounds track. There is no dialog, just surfing and music. It’s a surf film in the purest sense. The locations surfed include Central America, Maritime Provinces, New York, Bahamas, Baja Mexico and Main. Notice two common location are left out, that’s right no Hawaii or California. Mikey is a New Yorker and made a film that shows the quality and variety of waves to be had up this way while also scouting more tropical locations. Which is what us east coasters do when the surf is flat. I have watched a lot of surf films but this one stands out because it goes beyond the subject of surfing and into that which it is titled Sight|Sound. Even if your not a surfer this is a great film to experience.
SIGHT|SOUND from High Seas Films on Vimeo.

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